Ah West Yellowstone! Cody's family and his uncles family have been coming to the same cabin in West Yellowstone since the summer before Cody's Junior year of high school. So lucky for me they still have kept that family tradition. My first time there was last summer and we had a blast, I was able to get better aquainted with his side of the family and he was able to do his favorite thing ever FISH... haha...
This year we explored a TON and went into town, where we pigged out on the BEST ice cream I have ever tasted and shopped around for fun stuff. We also watched a live musical play of "Foot Loose" at West Yellowstones Playmill. But dont worry Cody still got some fishing in too ;)

One of our many adventures!

I had to put this on here just because he is so stinkin cute!

A grizzly!! Creepy that were were able to get as close as we did!