Wednesday, November 9, 2011

So NOT Ready....

As beautiful as Eastern Idaho is I am so not looking forward to the winter season, I feel like for some reason that it gets cold here over night and stays freezing for about 8 months. Seriously? What the heck.... Welp bring on the hot apple cyder and sweats. Blah..
Shoot me now...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween Cupcakes

My sweet neighbor came and gave me these adorable treats, I think she has felt bad for me because I have had a cold that has been kicking my trash lately and she wanted to give me a little pick me up haha... Halloween was wonderful this year, last year we had maybe one trick or treater but this year we had like a bazillion! My favorite costume of the night was a little girl dressed up as flow the Progressive Insurance lady haha.. It has been cracking me up all day every time I think about it. I think it is just about time for Cody and I to have kids so we can dress them up in funny/cute costumes and put smiles on every ones faces. Hope every one had a happy Halloween!