As beautiful as Eastern Idaho is I am so not looking forward to the winter season, I feel like for some reason that it gets cold here over night and stays freezing for about 8 months. Seriously? What the heck.... Welp bring on the hot apple cyder and sweats. Blah..
Shoot me now...
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Halloween Cupcakes
My sweet neighbor came and gave me these adorable treats, I think she has felt bad for me because I have had a cold that has been kicking my trash lately and she wanted to give me a little pick me up haha... Halloween was wonderful this year, last year we had maybe one trick or treater but this year we had like a bazillion! My favorite costume of the night was a little girl dressed up as flow the Progressive Insurance lady haha.. It has been cracking me up all day every time I think about it. I think it is just about time for Cody and I to have kids so we can dress them up in funny/cute costumes and put smiles on every ones faces. Hope every one had a happy Halloween!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
What A Guy
Last night I was watching TV while Ruger was asleep on my lap when Cody walked in the room and into the kitchen saying:
Cody: How are you the cutest thing that I have ever seen?
Me: Who are you talking to? (smiling because I totally thought he was talking about me)
Cody: Ruger... Duuhhh...
Me: ohhh
Cody: (After thinking about it for a minute) You see Ruger is the CUTEST thing I have ever seen, but YOU are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen!
Me: Nice save mister! :)
Haha... I don't care if he was being sarcastic and trying to save his butt, that little comment melted my little heart. : ) Love that man!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Kerby Family Picture Preview 2011
The day before my little brother was married everyone came to Rexburg to the BYU-I campus so that we could do a family picture while everyone was all together. (Our last family picture was taken years ago before my brother went on his mission, so it was good to get an update.) Our photographer was KatieWells and she did a phenomenal job. She was really great with Teryns little girls and all in all just did a wonderful job with out pictures. I cant wait to see the rest of them! :)
Teryn, Russ and their adorable little family. : )
The Newlyweds
All the girls. : )
Father and Son
Teryn, Russ and their adorable little family. : )
The Newlyweds
All the girls. : )
Father and Son
The Mortensen's Came to visit!
Cody's Family came in town this past weekend and it was so nice to see them! I haven't seen his parent's since Christmas time last year so it was nice to have a chance to catch up. On Friday we went to Jackson Hole (if you have never been there I highly recommend you go!) Jackson is SO beautiful! We loved walking around and going into all of the cute little shops, I tried on a mink fur coat that was on sale for $80,000! Seriously why would someone spend that much money on a stinking coat?!? Crazy people! ha...
On Saturday we went hiking around at these beautiful ponds that Cody and I found last year. Sheridan was hilarious and stuck to her moms side like glue because she was afraid of the animals. Towards the end of our hike she loosened up a bit and would leave about a foot or so in between her and whoever she walked with lol... She is such a doll.
See what I mean?? She is going to be a heart breaker!! No Doubt!
I love this picture of Cody and his little sister. So sweet. :)
Sheridan still scared to death of the animals that we (DIDN'T) see lol... She was a little tired too so I don't blame her for being grumpy.
Cody's cute momma. I love my In-Laws! Seriously they are the best and have so much love in their hearts for everyone. They along with my parents have helped me to realise what I want for my family, and the kind of mother I want to be in the future!
Sheridan and me walking up to the "cool" rock that I told her about. I told her that it was the neatest part of the whole hike because you can see everything from there and no one else knew about it except for Cody and me, so naturally she let go of her momma and jumped on my back so I could show her our neat discovery.
Check out how beautiful this place is!! I Love it!
Sheridan and I on our discovery rock. haha... She didn't want to get off of it for a while.
Karson and Sheridan headed back to the truck.
On Saturday we went hiking around at these beautiful ponds that Cody and I found last year. Sheridan was hilarious and stuck to her moms side like glue because she was afraid of the animals. Towards the end of our hike she loosened up a bit and would leave about a foot or so in between her and whoever she walked with lol... She is such a doll.
See what I mean?? She is going to be a heart breaker!! No Doubt!
I love this picture of Cody and his little sister. So sweet. :)
Sheridan still scared to death of the animals that we (DIDN'T) see lol... She was a little tired too so I don't blame her for being grumpy.
Cody's cute momma. I love my In-Laws! Seriously they are the best and have so much love in their hearts for everyone. They along with my parents have helped me to realise what I want for my family, and the kind of mother I want to be in the future!
Sheridan and me walking up to the "cool" rock that I told her about. I told her that it was the neatest part of the whole hike because you can see everything from there and no one else knew about it except for Cody and me, so naturally she let go of her momma and jumped on my back so I could show her our neat discovery.
Check out how beautiful this place is!! I Love it!
Sheridan and I on our discovery rock. haha... She didn't want to get off of it for a while.
Karson and Sheridan headed back to the truck.
Bang Bang!
We <3 shooting guns! We went shooting with this cute couple last week and had a blast!
My hubbs is so Dang SEXY!!
My hubbs is so Dang SEXY!!
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Whew! What A Weekend!!
My little brother is married!! He and Lexie were married Friday Oct. 14th in the Idaho Falls Temple. The ceremony, luncheon and reception were beautiful. I am so happy for my little brother, he chose the most amazing young women to be his wife. They are literally the nicest couple that you will ever meet and I am so proud of them and the decisions that they have made in their lives. : )
Cody and me after the wedding. (Cody and I were married in the IF Temple so it was really great to have the opportunity to go back to and be in the sealing room, and bridal room. I may have cried just a wee bit ha...)
So in the state of Idaho shooting a moose is a once in a lifetime opportunity and to draw for a tag is pretty much non existent but my insanely lucky husband put in for a moose tag for the first time this year in one of the hardest areas to draw in (they gave out 5 tags total) and guess who drew?? Yup that is right my hubbs did. He was OVER the moon about drawing the tag and would go out every Saturday for the past 4 weeks walking miles upon miles trying to find a moose never having an ounce of luck, we literally never saw another animal I can honestly say that we didn't even see a dang squirrel! So Dumb!! So I decided not to go with him on Saturday and mister Cody shot himself a moose (guess I am bad luck). What makes this hunt super cool for Cody was that he shot the moose with his bow and arrow when usually it is close to impossible to get close enough to shoot a moose with a bow. Good job babe!
So to make the story even more interesting while we were gutting the moose out Cody's knife slipped and slit his wrist and missed his artery by a centimeter! After that happened we put a tourniquet on his arm and wrist rushed down the mountain as blood ran down his arm and drove an hour to the ER to get him all stitched up and checked out. I cant tell you how grateful that I am that he didn't hit his artery because that situation could have been a lot scarier if he had. After Cody and I finished in the ER around 1am we went back out to the moose spot where we were lucky enough to have Cody's Buddy's and cousin go finish gutting the moose for us and we helped pack it out. We got home around 5:30am with over 400lbs of meat. Thank you everyone who helped us, you ROCK!! : )
Don't worry be happy!
Rolo Cookies!! YUM YUM YUM!!
Rolo's cookies!
1 package of Rolo's
1 box Devils Food Cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 c. oil
Mix cake mix, oil, and eggs. Take a small ball of dough and form a ball around the rolo. (Only use enough dough to cover the rolo so it can spread through the cookie.)
Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 7-8 minutes. Yields about 3 dozen..
A friend of mine posted this recipe on facebook and I thought that I would give them a try, let me just say they are AMMMMMMAIZING!!! And I thought that it would be rude not to share this magnificent treat with everyone else! Oh and the best part about them is that they are oober wonderful for us women who get their monthly present and just have to have something sugary! I mean come on who doesn't LOVE the combination of chocolate and caramel?? (If you say you don't, or that you don't get sugar attacks then I am going to have to kill you! ha...) Yum!
1 package of Rolo's
1 box Devils Food Cake mix
2 eggs
1/3 c. oil
Mix cake mix, oil, and eggs. Take a small ball of dough and form a ball around the rolo. (Only use enough dough to cover the rolo so it can spread through the cookie.)
Place on greased cookie sheet and bake at 350 for 7-8 minutes. Yields about 3 dozen..
A friend of mine posted this recipe on facebook and I thought that I would give them a try, let me just say they are AMMMMMMAIZING!!! And I thought that it would be rude not to share this magnificent treat with everyone else! Oh and the best part about them is that they are oober wonderful for us women who get their monthly present and just have to have something sugary! I mean come on who doesn't LOVE the combination of chocolate and caramel?? (If you say you don't, or that you don't get sugar attacks then I am going to have to kill you! ha...) Yum!
Monday, October 10, 2011
What The....

Don't worry, Be happy my friends!
Sunday, August 21, 2011
*Crazy Good Times*
Wow!! Yeah I would have to say that it has been a while since my last post. But I have a good excuse I swear! I have been insanely busy the past few months, I have hardly slowed down enough to enjoy life and all that it has to offer. I'm glad that I am taking the time to look back and remember everything that has happened since my last post. We have had plenty of highs and lows, tears and laughter and have learned so much along the way.
Sooo what has been happening in the Mortensen household since I last posted you ask? Well let me tell ya! My boys, Cody and Ruger celebrated their birthday on June 4th, My little brother got himself engaged, Cody and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on July 10th and then school got out for the summer and Cody left to work for his uncle in MT and WY leaving Ruger and I behind in smelly ol' Rexburg all alone. : ( Oh but guess what?? Cody made it home for the weekend!! Yay! We had such a great time!
So on June 4th Cody turned 27! I know old man status right? And our baby Ruger turned 2. We spent the day doing all of Cody's favorite things like, hiking, shooting bows and guns, eating pizza and a whole lot of ice cream cake at his party with family and friends. All in all it was a really great night and we are so grateful to have such amazing friends! Thanks guys for making that day special for Cody!
Another highlight for the summer was my little brother Garret engagement to Lexie. Garret and lexie are such a cute couple and are so in love, they are a lot of fun to be around, you cant help but smile when you are with them. Lexie is the sweetest girl you will ever meet and as you can see she is absolutely beautiful. We are very blessed and excited for her to join the Kerby crew this October! Yay Garret!
Highlight # 3 Cody and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary!! 3years people! Where the heck did the time go? Seriously it is so crazy... I love my hubbs so much and am so grateful for him in my life, I learn something new from him everyday. He is such a great example to me with showing kindness to others and being a great friend. It is so fun to find your soul mate and honestly and truly enjoy all your little moments together. Cody thank you so much for choosing me and making me the happiest girl in the world. My love for you grows with each and every day I cant wait to celebrate many more years together. I love you babe!!
Now for the low part of summer, well scratch that there was a high and low. First of all Cody finished the semester strong ending with good grades. He is a pre-med major with a Chemistry minor so when he gets good grades it is a HUGE accomplishment!! I am so proud of that little terd haha... Any who, now for the low part of my summer vacation. A few days after Cody finished the semester he left to work in MT and WY with his cousin Dan, he is making good money but I was left here in crummy Rexburg to work at the hospital. I know that I should be grateful that we both have jobs and can save money but seriously have you ever been to Rexburg during the summer break? Let me just say no fun! Plus I am a big baby about being all by myself and when your hubbs only comes home if he has time on the weekend life can get pretty dull and lonely.
Sooo what has been happening in the Mortensen household since I last posted you ask? Well let me tell ya! My boys, Cody and Ruger celebrated their birthday on June 4th, My little brother got himself engaged, Cody and I celebrated our 3rd anniversary on July 10th and then school got out for the summer and Cody left to work for his uncle in MT and WY leaving Ruger and I behind in smelly ol' Rexburg all alone. : ( Oh but guess what?? Cody made it home for the weekend!! Yay! We had such a great time!

But guess who decided to surprise me this weekend with a little visit?? Yup that is right Cody babe did and I loved having him home! We were able to go get some sun at monkey rock and ririe reservoir, we hiked around a bit and just spent some much needed time together. It was such a wonderful weekend, I miss my hubbs already!
Well that is all for now hopefully it wont be another 4 months before I write again. Take care!!
Monday, April 25, 2011
Easter Sunday

So my day started at 4 a.m. when I got up and put Cody and Ruger's gifts together and then got ready for work. Work started off kind of busy but then it completely died down and became the LONGEST work day of my entire life!! When I finally got home at 3 that afternoon I changed my clothes and helped Cody clean up the house and prepare for our friends to come over for a pot luck (and snuck in a little nap before everyone arrived). We had such a great time, our friends the Jones's and the Humphrey's and Cody's cousin Dan and his two buddy's Kenny and Jordan all came and we ate elk burgers and yummy homemade french fry's! We all hung out and talked and listened to Dan sing, all in all it was a great day and we are so lucky to have such great friends and loved ones close so we didn't have to spend Easter alone.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Yay for the Jones's!
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