Friday, April 27, 2012

Easter and Florida trip 2012!!

Easter this year was spent back in Boise with our families, we had such a great time spending time with everyone and cant wait for Cody to get done with school so we can see our families more often!!

This is the Easter basket that I got for Cody. We have a new candy store here in Rexburg that sells candy from Australia so I was able to buy Cody some Tim Tam's, black liquorice and Ginger beer that he use to eat all the time on his mission. I also got him his favorite American candy such as Reece's snickers and jelly beans. (yes I did get ruger a basket too, I just didn't take pictures of it. haha...)
 Cody helping Aysha find eggs on the Easter egg hunt. :)
 Cute little Daylie! She had the hardest time keeping those eggs in her basket because she wanted to sprint all over the place. So finally she had her mom Chelise guard the basket while she ran all over finding eggs. lol...
 After spending a little bit of time in Boise I flew with my parents to Florida to assist Teryn on her move back to Idaho. We had a really good time with each other and after 4 days in the car together I now appreciate what mom's go through with their kids. Oh boy....
 One of our beach days!! It was so beautiful there and so warm! I miss it already, especially because I woke up to snow this morning in Rexburg! Kill me! I love this picture of Teryn she is so gorgeous!
 Sisters :)
 The usual belly pic when your prego. I am now almost 31 weeks so close to 8 months along! It is so weird! I have just started to show and pop out the past few weeks so that has been a different experience for me, but it has been so fun at the same time. I am just glad that she is growing and healthy. Oh and for those of you who think that I am to obsessed with my body and that I haven't gained enough weight for my baby I will have you know that I have gained 17 pounds so far and am right on track. I'm 6'1" people I have a lot of body for my weight to go to so get over it!
 Claira found a sea shell!
 I love this little girl! She is my favorite niece ever! :)

 Teryn and her cute family before we went on our dolphin cruise. :)
 Mimi loves her little Abigail Kate!

 We went to the cutest zoo in the world! I loved it because it was so hands on! we were able to hand feed a lot of the animals, and go in to the bird cage and have them hang out all over you.
 Feeding the Giraffe's!
 Abby singing itsy witsy spider. She has the cutest little dimples!
 We celebrated Russ's bday while we were in Florida and took him to dinner at Rodezio Grill
 Abby is so dang little!! Goodness!
 We had one more beach day while in Florida and poor abby decided to wake up with a fever :( So Teryn and my dad took her to the doctor to get some medicine while Claira my mom and I went to the beach to play. Claira and I found a million little sea snails and she was so sad when she couldn't take them home with her. haha...

 When we left Florida on our LONG drive back to Idaho we stopped in Texarkana for a couple of days to visit with some old friends. It was so nice to see everyone and catch up.
 We ate at this super good catfish place that had a swamp in the front yard and peacocks running around all over the place! Claira LOVED it.
 Claira and her new friend Savannah. It took them about 5 minutes to warm up to each other and then they were inseparable.
 On our trip this little lady had an allergic reaction to her antibiotics and got hives all over her body so she screamed pretty much the whole third day of driving. We felt so bad for her but luckily teryn was able to give her some benadryl and get her a nice long sleep so that the last leg of our trip she was happy for the most part. This was in Pocatello where they dropped me off to be picked up by Cody. I love her little "hoo" hair.
 And last but not least our sweet little Claira! Claira LOVED the mountains and talked about how pretty and neat they were from the first time she saw them in Colorado until we got home. She is going to go on a lot of hikes with uncle Cody and me this summer!
Ok well that is it! We had a great trip spent time with some wonderful people and my dad made it 4 whole days being completely out numbered 5 to 1 with us ladies! I hope everyone has a great weekend! Take care.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Almost 28 weeks! (7Months)

It is hard to believe that I am almost 7 months preggers with our little lady. I am so happy and cant wait to see our baby girl in a couple of months. :)