Cody and me have been together for almost three and a half years now and we are still very much in love. Throughout my life I had always been a daddy's girl so it wasn't to much of a shocker when I told EVERYONE that I wanted a man that could fill my dad's shoes, thinking all along that such a man didn't exist because up until three and a half years ago my dad was the most amazing man that I have ever known (And is still tied for first on my list). He taught me to be kind and caring, he taught me to work hard and the power of a great example, He strengthened my testimony of the savior and our wonderful gospel. He always made time to take me out on our daddy daughter dates and actually listened to my beyond ridiculous stories about this and that in high school (everything is so much more dramatic when you are a teenager) and was genuinely interested in what I had to say. My dad is awesome at looking at every angle of a situation ( I guess that is why he is so successful in life) and would always give me the best advice from a view point that I would have never even thought of. My dad is my hero if you cant tell and I can write a 50 page blog dedicated to just him. I have so much respect for him and the man that he is. That is why I consider my self the luckiest girl alive because I have an awesome husband who loves me and has managed to fill my dads shoes quite nicely. Cody is wonderful, he is my big teddy bear that I have the opportunity to live with, He is such a great people person (He definitely gets that from his mom and dad, they rock) everyone and I do mean EVERYONE that meets Cody loves him automatically. He is funny and laid back (unless he gets towed from Jones apartment, then he goes a little coo coo.) he has an extremely great testimony of the gospel and our savior. He works his tail off to be the best at everything he does, I think that is why he does so well with fishing and hunting. He is one heck of an athlete if you don't believe me ask anyone in the Boise area that was around when he played ball and they will tell you that he was one of the best basketball players to ever play in the state of Idaho. He also has a heart of gold and a sensitive side (shhh don't tell him that I told you ;) ) he is very loving and caring and likes to welcome people into his groups. Cody and my dad are one in the same and I love them both so much. I am so lucky to have had the opportunity to find a man that could fill my papa's shoes. Cody, even though I know that you wont read this because your not into the whole blog thing, I want you to know that I love you so much and am so happy we found each other. This is Cody the summer that we met, As you can see he is perfect!
And funny.....