Sunday, October 16, 2011

Whew! What A Weekend!!

My little brother is married!! He and Lexie were married Friday Oct. 14th in the Idaho Falls Temple. The ceremony, luncheon and reception were beautiful. I am so happy for my little brother, he chose the most amazing young women to be his wife. They are literally the nicest couple that you will ever meet and I am so proud of them and the decisions that they have made in their lives. : )
Cody and me after the wedding. (Cody and I were married in the IF Temple so it was really great to have the opportunity to go back to and be in the sealing room, and bridal room. I may have cried just a wee bit ha...)
So in the state of Idaho shooting a moose is a once in a lifetime opportunity and to draw for a tag is pretty much non existent but my insanely lucky husband put in for a moose tag for the first time this year in one of the hardest areas to draw in (they gave out 5 tags total) and guess who drew?? Yup that is right my hubbs did. He was OVER the moon about drawing the tag and would go out every Saturday for the past 4 weeks walking miles upon miles trying to find a moose never having an ounce of luck, we literally never saw another animal I can honestly say that we didn't even see a dang squirrel! So Dumb!! So I decided not to go with him on Saturday and mister Cody shot himself a moose (guess I am bad luck). What makes this hunt super cool for Cody was that he shot the moose with his bow and arrow when usually it is close to impossible to get close enough to shoot a moose with a bow. Good job babe!
So to make the story even more interesting while we were gutting the moose out Cody's knife slipped and slit his wrist and missed his artery by a centimeter! After that happened we put a tourniquet on his arm and wrist rushed down the mountain as blood ran down his arm and drove an hour to the ER to get him all stitched up and checked out. I cant tell you how grateful that I am that he didn't hit his artery because that situation could have been a lot scarier if he had. After Cody and I finished in the ER around 1am we went back out to the moose spot where we were lucky enough to have Cody's Buddy's and cousin go finish gutting the moose for us and we helped pack it out. We got home around 5:30am with over 400lbs of meat. Thank you everyone who helped us, you ROCK!! : )
Don't worry be happy! 


Teryn said...

holy cow about the moose! I can't believe he caught one! yay for him! Miss you already! it was so great to see you this last week! love ya!

Nessa @{Casa Braaflat} said...

girl you gotta get yourself a lottery ticket. moose tag & missing a serious artery by a centimeter. wow!

Cody and Kylee said...

Teryn- I miss you too I hope that it isn't another year before I get to see yall again!

Nessa- hahahaha... My hubbs and you think alike today at the gas station he bought himself a lottery ticket. He NEVER does that and I mean NEVER!! keeping our fingers crossed! ha... :)

Lisa said...

It was definately an eventful weekend. So many memories we now have to cherish! Next time we have a whole family get together I vote for some R&R. Miss you guys! So Proud of ya'all!!